Coaching and Mentoring
Coaching is based on a partnership that involves giving both support and challenging opportunities to employees. Knowing how and when to coach is an essential skill that can benefit both you and your organization.
Student Walk through
Lesson 1 - Defining Coaching and Mentoring
Lesson 2 - Defining Coaching
Lesson 3 - Coaching Skills
Lesson 4 - Interpersonal Communication Skills
Lesson 5 - Probing Techniques
Lesson 6 - Active Listening Skills
Lesson 7 - Setting Goals with SPIRIT
Lesson 8 - Learning Styles and Principles
Lesson 9 - Adult Learning Principles
Lesson 10 - Skills Involved in Coaching
Lesson 11 - The Coaching Model
Lesson 12 - Giving Effective Feedback
Final Quiz
Requesting your certificate of Completion