Business Management
This course provides essential learning for new business owners, whether the business is just in the idea stage or you have already begun and need to fill in the gaps
Life Lesson
Lesson 1 - Type of Businesses
Lesson 2 - The Owner's Role
Lesson 3 - Designing Your Organizational Structure
Lesson 4 - Who is in Charge?
Lesson 5 - Introduction to Operations Management
Life Lesson
Lesson 1 - Understanding Financial Terms
Lesson 2 - General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
Lesson 3 - Key Reports
Lesson 4 - Budgets
Life Lesson
Lesson 1 - Your Product
Lesson 2 - Quality Control
Lesson 3 - Building a Corporate Brand
Lesson 4 - Brand Names and Slogans
Life Lesson
Lesson 1 - Creating a Visual Identity
Lesson 2 - Types of Visual Identities
Lesson 3 - Market Your Product
Lesson 4 - Consumer and Market Analysis
Lesson 5 - Analyzing the Competition and Yourself
Lesson 6 - Analyzing Distribution Channels
Life Lesson
Lesson 1 - Creating a Marketing Plan
Lesson 2 - Leveraging Social Media
Lesson 3 - Selling Your Product
Life Lesson